Wednesday, April 9, 2008


1.) I am a parent with a child in the Auburn school system.
2.) I have quite a few friends and associates that are teachers or are in the education field.
3.) I volunteer in the school system and have seen the problems that are there and want to be a part of, as well as shape the solutions to the problems that must take into account more than just one demographic.
4.) I have in the past been a substitute teacher at the high school level in another district and have seen issues not just at one level of education.
5.) I know that any type of situation needs to have an inclusive vs. exclusive solution in order for it to be successful.
6.) I am an active alumna in my college and alumnae/ie association. So I am very familiar in dealing with various diverse groups such as academics, teachers, community, personal contacts, and alumnae/ie and having to work with them to accomplish goals.
7.) I look at all of the solutions and take into account the “Big Picture” to make sure that the option selected is the best one for the long term, not just the short term outcome.
8.) I have negotiating experience that is results and solution based.
9.) I have the training, understanding, and experience to work with the multiple groups necessary to clear up the multiple communications issues that exist.
10.) I will be auditing education classes starting in the fall to expand my knowledge base.

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