I write this thinking about my cousin who is in the service serving our country, other members of my family have through the years. It seems that everyone knows someone who is affected by the war(s) and yes I say plural. It's just one contry is talked about more than the other.
My dear cousin Matt is home visiting and I just received news that he is getting married some time in August. So, my -not so baby cousin- is finally happy in the midst of all the growning up he has done and horror he has seen. I couldn't be happier for him. And she is a great girl, and they are a great couple. I haven't seen him smile this much in .. I don't know.. forever! What is good about them is that she compliments his personality and vice versa. She also knows what she is signing up for with him being in the military, it won't be easy while he is in it. She knows has the full support of the families which will be crucial while he is away serving. I can't say enough of how proud I am of my cousin. He has already served three tours overseas and knock on wood, come home safe everytime, and because we have such a big and caring family, we all make sure he's OK when he is home.Yet, we already know he will have to go back over again, we are just not sure where yet. My son and I area already preparing those fun care packages to mail over- have to have candy and cookies, and maybe a fun toy.
Having seen first hand and heard about so many of us being affected by this, and having to send our loved ones to serve in Afghanistan and Iraq for 12+ months at a time is tough on those serving, those left behind, and then returning. We need to simply remind ourselves to keep faith in our family, friends and those service men and women. Every one of us who are directly and indirectly involved are providing an important benefit or service, and it really does count. God Bless our Service Men and Women.
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