Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Making more contacts...

I wasn't able to attend the School Committee's meeting on Monday as I had wanted. Instead I attended the MA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Meeting that was held at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester. I made many great contacts and was able to get a few questions answered as well. I will more than likely be attending next months meeting as well.

I was able to observe the frank and open discussion of the issues that larger school districts are having to deal with in open discussions in a frank and civil manner to at least begin getting the issues out to be discussed and the "silos of control" and the individual kingdoms to begin to be merged for the better of the whole once again. The Commissioners were- Jim Caradonio of Worcester, Karla Brooks Baehr of Lowell, and Eduardo Carballo of Holyoke. Each of them had a set of issues they were dealing with, and at the same time heart warming stories of how the administration and or the communities are involved in the solutions. Yet in each of the cases there is still so much work to be done.

However, Karla Brooks Baehr made a point to remind everyone that even in the midst of a shifting targets - you need to celebrate those small milestones that are attained, even if it is just a little, because acknowledgement is the key to attainment of the long term goals.

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