Part of this comment to is about follow through on job descriptions and what being an advocate really means. If the School Committee is to be the advocates for the children in regards for getting there needs met then I will say they have not met the criteria as by the dictionary:
Advocacy:to express support for a particular idea or way of doing things
They may have advocated to a particular idea or project. However I will say that they have not put in measurable accountable criteria to show that their advocacy has been successful.
And if by judging by what Dr Allen said at the last meeting regarding the past 5 years worth of school budgets where the reality of the school budget has only in actuality increased marginally. While in actuality ratio of the school budget to the town section of the budget has gone from 45:55 where it's school: town to where it could be more like 38:62 potentially school:town. And this town wonders why the schools are falling apart, and there is no money in the system? In towns comparable in the Worcester County for our size the ratio is more in line with 60:40 school: town. If you are wondering what I am talking about please watch the last hour of the Monday night meeting where they are talking about the presentation to the town meeting members.
I am going to get all of this information so that I can accurately get this information out to you. This strangle hold on the school system has to change. The state's Board of Education even told the town this, yet unless there is a Charter change in regards to this, and the town makes the education of our children a priority they will soon begin to suffer.
1 comment:
Hi Eleena, I met you and your
husband at the High School on election night. I like your blog. It is obvious you are an intense thinker. I think you would be a great asset on the school committee. The other school committee members would have to pool their IQ's to match yours. You don't have to post this comment. Just wanted to say Hi.
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